Saturday, May 24, 2008

Lake Magazine wants pictures of YOU!

Lake magazine is looking for pictures of you, your friends, your family and your pets at Lake Martin!

In every issue of Lake, we have a section called Lake Scene which highlights reader submitted photos. Whether you were here on vacation, were taking pictures of the local scenery, attending an event at the amphitheater, or got a great shot of someone jumping off of 'The Rock' – we'd love to print your photos in an upcoming issue of  Lake!

Photos should be: AS LARGE AS POSSIBLE (but not TOO large!). If you have a 72 dpi resolution photo, the photo should be roughly 10" x 8" in size – it you have a 300 dpi resolution photo, you could submit a photo as small as 3" x 2". That way, your photo will show up clean and clear in our print publication. 

You may also submit multiple photos for our "Photographer of the Month" page – featured each month in Lake. Send 4 - 8 photos of your life on Lake Martin directly to for your shot at fame! Your photos could be of a particular theme (people, places or nature, etc.) or can be random shots of life on the lake.

So hurry up! You could be in the next issue of Lake!

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